We are AI Evangelists

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to new topics and technologies. We can help AI take root in your organisation by helping your employees understand AI and how AI is changing the way they work.


Many companies are overwhelmed with AI

  • Rapid development
  • Impact on the whole organisation
  • Change in work processes

We rely on Talks to bring AI into businesses

When they gain a deeper understanding of this transformative technology, they allow us to grasp its potential as well as its challenges.

Less fear of contact with AI

Viele Mitarbeiter sind verunsichert wie KI in Unternehmen eingesetzt wird und wie sich dadruch die Aufgaben verändern. Wir helfen dabei diese Angst zu nehmen und aufzuzeigen wie AI die Zukunft verändert.

Start AI transformation from within

Viele Unternehmen wissen nicht wie sie KI im Unternehmen einsetzen sollen. Je mehr ihre Mitarbeiter über KI wissen, desto mehr arbeiten diese daran ihr Business zukunftssicher zu machen.

Responsible use of AI in Businesses

In der Arbeit mit KI in Unternehmen gibt es einige Fallstricke, die die Qualität der Ergebnisse und etische Aspekte betreffen. Wir helfen ihren Mitarbeitern dabei zu KI richtig einzusetzen.

Our Talks

Understanding Generative AI in business

Importance and fundamentals of generative AI

🔹Why is generative AI important for businesses?
🔹What is generative AI / What are AI models / What are AI tools?
🔹What are pitfalls of current generative AI systems?
🔹What is embedding / What is fine-tuning and when to use which approach?

Implementation and use of generative AI in companies

🔹How to use AI in complex workflows
🔹How to implement AI in an organisation to drive business growth?
🔹What is prompt engineering and how to do it right?

Data protection and ethical aspects of generative AI

🔹Data protection and privacy aspects in the use of AI
🔹Ethics and responsibility: The responsible use of generative AI in business practice

Specific applications and future developments of generative AI

🔹LLMs as reasoning machines
🔹How generative AI will influence consumer behaviour
🔹How to stay one step ahead of the equivalent of SEO for AI assistants AIRO (AI Response Optimisation)
🔹AI and its impact on the labour market

What it takes

... to make your company fit for the future

1nexum consultant

1room with employees

1hour talk

1hour discussion

Book your talk here

Christian Lammers

Your contact

Christian Lammers

Christian Lammers

Head of Digital Business & Company Building

+49 1516 565 7913
[email protected]


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